Carbon Neutral Shipping

Carbon Neutral Shipping

 At Ecological Market, we are committed to protecting the environment and pursuing sustainable business practices. One of the most important things we can tackle is our carbon footprint. We have partnered with NativeEnergy, a Public Benefit Corporation, to reduce shipping emissions. NativeEnergy is a Certified B Corp, a type of company that uses the power of business to solve environmental and social issues. Certified B Corporations are businesses that meet the best standards of verified environmental and social performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. We are so proud to partner with them.

 NativeEnergy invests in projects that can counteract greenhouse gas emissions that are otherwise hard to avoid. These include traveling in a plane, car, or the powering of homes, which typically require burning fossil fuels— coal, natural gas, and petroleum. We understand the concern that carbon offset programs allow industries to appear eco-friendly while avoiding efforts to address the climate crisis and reduce the amount of carbon they produce. Carbon offsets can't do it alone. We believe climate lobbying is a crucial part of achieving climate neutrality. We need our policymakers to create sweeping legislation to provide better tools to avoid the creation of greenhouse gasses. Until then, carbon offsets can legitimately help encourage sustainable development and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

 NativeEnergy stands out among many other carbon offset programs. It's a company that holds the endorsement of many distinguished environmental stewardship groups. And its programs are thoroughly vetted by reputable third-party organizations for transparency, impact, and effectiveness. Each project from NativeEnergy is ultimately certified by one of several evaluative organizations, including Gold Standard, Verified Carbon Standard, Climate Action Reserve, American Carbon Registry, Plan Vivo, Climate, and Community & Biodiversity Alliance. These organizations rigorously examine carbon projects—and the carbon offsets they produce—to ensure they meet established methods for greenhouse emission reductions.

 May Ranch

Our partnership with Native Energy supports the May Ranch Avoided Grassland Conversion Project in Prowers County, Colorado. It is a project that benefits Biodiversity and Wildlife Protection as well as Carbon Sequestration. You can read more about it here. NativeEnergy has been a great choice in helping to reduce our carbon footprint. Native invests in creating meaningful, measurable changes to produce quantifiable emission reductions for businesses and individuals. To learn more about how you can reduce your carbon footprint, please visit their website at

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